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Hi everyone! #WAC extensions list is growing day by day and more functionality is being added to our favorite management tool. But, there is a small key feature missing at the moment. The possibility to perform automatic updates for the extensions you are using.

For this reason, I took a little bit of time to compile the following PowerShell script which it takes care of the extension update process for us. So let’s break down a bit the script.

The following script was tested on a #WAC Gateway Server.

Step 1: Import the WAC module to the current session

Firstly, we need to add the #WAC module to the current session in order to leverage the extension update function that comes with it. The script must be executed from the target machine where the #WAC is hosted.

# Add the module to the current session

Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\windows admin center\PowerShell\Modules\ExtensionTools" -Verbose

Step 2: Specify the WAC gateway

During this step, we need to specify the #WAC url address which the updater will run again to.

# Specify the WAC gateway

$WAC = "https://lab-wac-core"

Step 3: Getting a list of all the outdated extensions

The following on-liner will query against the #WAC extensions and list only the ones that are outdated.

# List the WAC extensions

$extensions = Get-Extension $WAC | Where-Object {$_.isLatestVersion -like 'False'}

Step 4: Update #WAC outdated extensions and produce a log file

Having a list with all the extensions that are missing the missing updates from the previous step, we are now able to initiate the update process from the default extension feed “”. The feed is not included below because its the default one.

# Update WAC extensions and produce log file

ForEach($extension in $extensions)
    Update-Extension $WAC -ExtensionId $extension.Id -Verbose | out-file -append C:\Users\Public\WACUpdateLog$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm).txt

Step 5: Cleanup log files older than 5 days

During the update process, logs are produced under the folder C:\Users\Public\. So in this step, we do casual housekeeping.

# Delete log files older than 5 days

Get-ChildItem –Path  "C:\Users\Public\WACUpdateLog*" –Recurse -include *.log | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime –lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } | Remove-Item

Step 6: Write contents of the log file to Windows event log

Finally, the contents of the log files will be written in Windows Event Log under Application events.

# Write log file to Windows event log

$Log = Get-Content -path C:\Users\Public\WACUpdateLog$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm).txt | Out-String

Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source “WAC Extension Updater” -EntryType Information -EventId 0 -Message $Log

Wrap up

So this it! Wrap it up to a PowerShell script, save it on the server in which the #WAC is hosted and create a Scheduled Task to execute the script on a daily basis! Make sure the user that will be used during the execution of the script, has the role of Gateway administrator.

# Add the module to the current session

Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\windows admin center\PowerShell\Modules\ExtensionTools" -Verbose

# Specify the WAC gateway

$WAC = "https://lab-wac-core"

# List the WAC extensions

$extensions = Get-Extension $WAC | Where-Object {$_.isLatestVersion -like 'False'}

# Update WAC extensions and produce log file

ForEach($extension in $extensions)
    Update-Extension $WAC -ExtensionId $extension.Id -Verbose | out-file -append C:\Users\Public\WACUpdateLog$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm).txt

# Delete log files older than 5 days

Get-ChildItem –Path  "C:\Users\Public\WACUpdateLog*" –Recurse -include *.log | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime –lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } | Remove-Item

# Write to Windows event log

$Log = Get-Content -path C:\Users\Public\WACUpdateLog$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm).txt | Out-String

Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source “WAC Extension Updater” -EntryType Information -EventId 0 -Message $Log -Verbose

Thanks for reading!