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Hi everyone! Just dropping by to share with you a couple of lazy style one-liners which will allow you to acquire useful information from your Hyper-V VMs. More specifically, the creation time of which your Hyper-V VMs were originally created.

Get a list of the non-running and running VMs and their creation time. To be used with standalone Hyper-V hosts.

Get-VM * | Select-Object VMName,CreationTime | Sort-Object CreationTime

Get the creation time of a particular VM. To be used with standalone Hyper-V hosts.

Get-VM -Name "NameOfTheVM" | Select-Object CreationTime

Get a list of the non-running and running highly available VMs and their creation time. To be used within a Hyper-V Cluster.

Get-ClusterGroup | ? {$_.GroupType -eq 'VirtualMachine' } | Get-VM * | Select-Object VMName,CreationTime

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