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You need to start authoring Bicep Templates right away and you are missing all the required tools? Look no further. All you need is a PC running Windows Desktop OS, a PowerShell prompt, and to execute the following cmdlets:

## Install Visual Studio Code ##
Winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode

## Install Bicep CLI and Tools ##
Winget install Microsoft.Bicep

## Install latest version of PowerShell ##
Winget install PowerShell

## Install AzureCLI ##
Winget install Microsoft.AzureCLI

## Install Az PowerShell Module ##
Install-Module -name Az

## Install Git ##
Winget install Git.Git

## Install GitHub CLI ##
Winget install GitHub.cli

## Install required Visual Studio Extensions - reload PowerShell Session  ##
code --install-extension ms-vscode.vscode-node-azure-pack
code --install-extension github.vscode-pull-request-github

Remark! In order to install the required extensions for VSCode, you may have to start a new shell after finishing installing VSCode. The cmdlets above, can be found in a PowerShell script on public GitHub repository here.

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